Wimpy Podcast Generatorby Mike Gieson NOTE: After clicking the example links, you should see a bunch of XML code. This is good. A podcast feed is nothing more than text-based XML code that instructs podcasting software how to locate your podcast files and provides information about your podcast. NOTE: If you're using FireFox, you will see the following message at the top of the page:
This message does not mean that there is an error, it is simply stating that there is no style information associated with the XML file. NOTE: The new version (version 1.3.0) uses an iTunes formattted podcast, which **should** work with most aggrigators. The file named "wimpy_podcast_old.php" uses a standard RSS feed XML format. Both files will work for most aggrigators, however, only the new version will display your podcast properly in iTunes.
1. Edit the configuration options.
2. Upload wimpy_podcast.php to the same folder as wimpy.php.
3. Create a link on your page to the wimpy_podcast.php file.
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